Help us build a movement to shift our consumer spending away from companies funding work against LGBTQ+ Equality and Reproductive Freedom. We’re starting with a campaign to make one easy change by Tossing Brawny paper towels, and we need your help getting the word out. Share that you’re going to make the switch at Spending Spotlight, and encourage others to do the same.
More background information about this campaign is available on The Spot! Here
Campaign Summary:
What: Spending Spotlight’s campaign to get consumers to “Toss Brawny” by switching to another paper towel brand, sharing their “Switch” on social media, and engaging their networks in this effort.
Why: Brawny is a part of Koch Industries, one of the largest and most consistent funders of anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ+ equality legislators; every dollar we spend on Brawny condones and furthers those efforts.
When: Starting Monday, December 2.
Some hashtags: #TossBrawny #ShoutYourSwitch
Text Only; Reproductive Freedom
I’m Tossing Brawny because their parent corporation is one of the largest and most consistent funders of both anti-choice politicians, and I don’t want to fund their work. Commit to #TossBrawny by clicking here and then #ShoutYourSwitch!
Text Only; LGBTQ+ Equality
I’m making the Switch from Brawny to a brand whose parent company does NOT fund the most extreme anti-LGBTQ+ politicians. Join me in committing to #TossBrawny by visiting here and #ShoutYourSwitch !
Text Only; Both Issues
I’m Tossing Brawny because their parent corporation is one of the largest and most consistent funders of both anti-choice AND anti-LGBTQ+ politicians, and I don’t want to fund their work. Commit to #TossBrawny by clicking here and then #ShoutYourSwitch!
Text Only; Both Issues
I’m going to start voting with my dollars by switching to brands and companies that DON’T fund anti-LGBTQ+ or anti-choice politicians. I’m going to #TossBrawny for Bounty or 7th Generation. Join me and #ShoutYourSwitch!